Wednesday, November 3, 2010

There Jie Yuhua Shi, who Solutions by Whisper

 Instant the spring is the season of the year when the man
that it is sad to have all the flowers quarter after quarter

litter the front of the flowers few quarters, I had to tell
But the wind said, too hard, and I can not afford to carry the burden of missing
bees, it is always said so tirelessly
bees, flower in the dew of your tears it is,UGG shoes, since all flow over, nourish the flowers that flowers not say

What was thought of the feeling of sadness, with florid
empty Acacia Who knows, but a sad end, dying desolately
tears into the mud buried   There Jie Yuhua world, why he spent a toast to your heart
own air-to-month
Concert v. Nostalgia
do not turn around 

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