Sunday, January 9, 2011

Jacky Cheung's marriage pride Pathetique

 I remember that in this month, the Hong Kong news media reported, in the career of the singer gradually into the low-key star Jacky Cheung, worth tens of millions of dollars while the contract to continue as ambassador to Disneyland. So the Kansas Strength said the Chinese music to sing to the Jacky Cheung, was widely rumored that led to his Danchugetan outside marriage, whether the inside is kind of how the situation? because last year I opened for the Sohu blog so far, have received many inquiries related to User Photo Jacky living conditions of the e-mail, so here random joke about the inside story of married life buddy. I remember when it was in 2096, when the heyday of the development of Jacky Cheung, he said nothing about the stars decided to break the culture of love and marriage customs , tightly holding the hand of his girlfriend Luomei Wei, uprightness of entering a marriage hall, thus ending the two decade-long love has been a marathon!
.. was also a four kings in the popular Chinese music When in full swing, Jacky Cheung become one of the only exposure to superstar girlfriend, but also the first to bear fruit in the married life of the artist. in the industry familiar with the Jacky's people know that he is also responsible for the cause of love is responsible for artists. we all know, the stars in the entertainment, while the fans and his girlfriend want to take care of very well, not easy to grasp things. But the most rare is the courage to their marriage Jacky exposure to As we all know, this look at the time it is a risky move. They married basically no major scandal, both sides recognized each other ten years of mutual love, so marriage is not only proud of Jacky happy career in the performing arts is increasingly high-spirited.
.. Back in 2086, when Jacky Cheung starred in the first film, film effortless performance, to the fans and the fans have left a deep impression. participating in the subsequent film performance, but also the work of this film meet Luomei Wei, until the completion of love and marriage gradually. Jacky Cheung and Luo Meiwei romance through three historical stages: the initial sweet, mid-argument, to the latter's flat. They love the heating process, and ordinary people no different. The only thing that Jacky Cheung is the deepest feelings; early career he was unhappy in those days, often drunk alcohol Xiaochou while, there was the cake throwing drunken friends vent their depressed faces and things.
.. in that period, there are a lot of friends to see him stay away, only Luomei Wei decided to stay at his side, comforting and encouraging continuous him. Finally Luomei Wei's help, he finally quit drinking and the gradual rebuilding of confidence in the Chinese music finally stand up again! Jacky himself once said: true love! is the first month of 2096 in London, the early marriage, marriage was both simple and elegant office. afterwards they call our friends and family who announced his good news. Luomei Wei get along with Jacky Cheung, the place where two people are longing for nature ordinary life, like Luomei Wei said; we had came from the civilian population, Jacky also ordinary people just like to sing it, to live a simple life is best! Mrs. Chang had just done later, Luo Meiwei cook at least a week four or five times before she does best soy sauce chicken wings and pork chops, after repeated practice, already knew a lot of different cooking methods, cooking a lot of books purchased. They have a common habit is to never eat no leftovers. regardless of each meal certainly take some of the dishes the food on the table to eat the cleaners. Luomei Wei and friends once said: meals, Jacky even had enough will come again, swept away! One evening about seven, began his run, every time the strength to reach for an hour. Luomei Wei have publicly said: Unless I have a fever or is raining, I have to run according to plan! have the whole month, but like a lot better after running, and sometimes even a cold can be brought under control within three days of the.
.. and Jacky Cheung are the most favorite fitness and tennis and other sports activities. Since the follow friends to learn Zen Buddhist, he would often meditate alone at home, sometimes sitting in there all hours. Luomei Wei to make fun of him often: Heaven's it! how to eat I do not eat fat, I do not worry about losing weight gained over the go! had hit a car head, has also done because of severe gallstone surgery under general anesthesia. The doctor said her memory loss of the heavier, had to go to Taiwan, after filming a few days staying home to have forgotten their own floors. The nagging wife Luomei Wei, Jacky has been used.
.. Alumni and friends who say: repeated the same words, even the same words every help is really like a tape recorder. broken families, from small things she learned to rely on their own, Luo Meiwei there are many unhappy childhood memories. However, after Jacky Cheung to marry, she gradually learned to say goodbye to unhappy, she says she wasted twenty years of enjoyment So happy and happy to learn! Luomei Wei in 2000, when Jacky Cheung gave birth to daughter Zhang Yaohua, and then gave birth in 2005, when Zhang Yaojing, the current family of four get along very well.
.. bit Chinese TV series, one of pop music superstar Jacky Cheung, Hong Kong media also did not escape the paparazzi chase and disturb, happy family become the focus of the Hong Kong paparazzi target, both husband and wife and cute bubbly girl, was kept get entangled around the mental and physical exhaustion and bruises. we all know things, Hong Kong, Jacky Cheung, a magazine widely reported divorce news, paparazzi after coined rendering buddy drove dogged beat, innocent daughters become fabricated broke the news of non-stop monster and more! so continuous violent harassment, not only that the couple often panic buddy, but also for the good life both husband and wife cast a deep shadow. remember the last couple were paparazzi car chase Jacky Cheung, running and a few in the cross Street was forced into the deep lane, it will protect his wife's angry Jacky Jacky drunken hit rendered into, which makes the buddy can not help but filled with grief! then said publicly that he did not buddy to drunk driving, and no hands-on assault, is a paparazzi car chasing his car, the path stopped where the cross section of the car!
.. Jacky Cheung on Hong Kong's paparazzi media saddened that they have reached the point of slanderous accusations so that they are very difficult to accept. always maintained friendly relations with the media's buddy, this one sorrowful desolation, said: If the media environment can not be improved, if the paparazzi continue to Kukuxiangbi Hong Kong, to their families sake, I'd rather 退出娱乐圈! I think that the current So far, so Luomei Wei's husband, I can only play six am, to do her daughter's father can only play seven is, if people interfere with my life again, I would hesitate to withdraw from the entertainment industry!, however, wants to remain quiet while the wind blows the tree , Jacky Cheung, the Hong Kong paparazzi protests will not slow down. So even if our own, simply can not protect themselves in family happiness and family safety, we what will happen? at least I as an ordinary person, yet it to imagine that they will not dare to assume that go.
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